I have created a Microsoft form and embded the code in SharePoint page.

But I cannot modify the text on display of webpart.

As of now, the webpart on SharePoint page is as below

enter image description here

Now, how can I modify the the text like "Microsoft Form" to actual form name and change the background color?

And how to choose a format to

  • How you have embedded Microsoft form? did you use Embed webpart or any other way? Commented Nov 20, 2020 at 12:40
  • I embeded MS form directly and added "Embed" web part from SP site. I tried background-color in iframe code but failed to modify Commented Nov 20, 2020 at 12:48
  • Which link you have added in iframe? collect response link or any other link? Commented Nov 20, 2020 at 12:50
  • The embed link from Microsoft form. I didn't added any iframe Commented Nov 20, 2020 at 12:51

1 Answer 1


It is not supported to change the display text or theme for the embed code of Microsoft Forms.

See a related UserVoice post here: Embed code with options.

In addition, there is another post with higher attention in the Forms UserVoice forum, where you can go and share this idea: Sharing and collaborating experience in Forms.

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