I'm struggling with a task that seems to be rather simple but even after hours of googling, I was not able to find an answer which is why I would like to ask you for help. Also I am very new to Sharepoint so please forgive me for asking an obvious question.
In Sharepoint 365 I've got a library containing several document sets with a few small excel files in each of the sets. There are 4 columns in the library defining each document set: Name, Description, Start Date and End Date. I turned this library into a calendar view and it shows the document sets nicely. However, when I click on a document set from this calendar view, it leads me to a form-like page with only the information from the 4 columns from the library. The excel files are not shown in this view. What I would like to achieve is that after clicking on the document set in the calendar view, the site would directly open the Welcome page of the document set. Is this even possible?
Edit: since I don`t think I explained my issue precisely enough here an edit with more detail:
My document library with 2 document sets looks like this:
When I display this library on my site in a customized calendar view, it looks like this:
Now when I click on "Project 1" (or "Project 2"), I get to this page, which is only a summary of columns defining the individual document set:
What I would like to achieve is to get from the calendar directly to the Welcome page of Project 1 document set:
Do you have any suggestions or do I have to rething the structure completely - I find document sets very practical for my purpose and it would be tremendously helpful if I could access them directly from the calendar. This is why I would be very thankful for any hint or advice.