When I created content for custom list. It is "gegtege". After I create a asp:textbox that calling this field and display "<div class="ExternalClassE7D56B8D72FF4453B3F162CE43ABBF0A">" in txtComment.Text.

I don't understand and how to remove it?

SPWeb webObj = SPContext.Current.Web;
            //SPFolder ManagerSubMainList = webObj.Folders["ManagerSubMainList"];
            //SPFolder AssignerMainList = webObj.Folders["AssignerMainList "];
            SPList listContract = webObj.Lists["MainList"];
            SPListItem thisItem = null;
            if (getId() > 0)
                thisItem = listContract.GetItemById(getId());
                    txtTitle.Text = thisItem["Title"].ToString();
                    txtComment.Text = thisItem["Comment"].ToString();


2 Answers 2


In your list, make sure that the Multiple lines of text column setting is set to plain text

  • Go to list setting
  • click on the column name.
  • Beside Additional Column Settings, Check Plain text

Try below code:

SPWeb webObj = SPContext.Current.Web;
//SPFolder ManagerSubMainList = webObj.Folders["ManagerSubMainList"];
//SPFolder AssignerMainList = webObj.Folders["AssignerMainList "];
SPList listContract = webObj.Lists["MainList"];
SPListItem thisItem = null;
if (getId() > 0)
    thisItem = listContract.GetItemById(getId());
        txtTitle.Text = thisItem["Title"].ToString();
        string comment = thisItem["Comment"].ToString();
        txtComment.Text = SPHttpUtility.ConvertSimpleHtmlToText(comment, comment.Length);       


Reference - SPHttpUtility.ConvertSimpleHtmlToText

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