Why does SharePoint not understand to change the image when I use If statements? Specifically when I use it on a calculated culumn.

Building a status (project/risk) page and I use Probabiliy and Impact (1-3) to score the status/risk. No problem, then I use a calculated column to show images based on the value of the two combined(1-9 (green, Yellow, red).

If I point the calculated column to one of the values (Probability or Impact) I can get the image to change based on the value, but when I aim the column at the combined value it seems to not understand the value, all I get is a green light?!

The syntax seems to be right since i can get the result on the individual values, but not the combined...

Here is the formula i use in the caolculated culumn, by the way.

    IF([Risk_value]<="4","<img src='/sites/111607/CDC_STHLM/SiteAssets/Status_pic/Green.gif' border='0'/>",
    IF([Risk_value]="6","<img src='/sites/111607/CDC_STHLM/SiteAssets/Status_pic/Orange.gif' border='0'/>", 
    IF([Risk_value]>"6","<img src='/sites/111607/CDC_STHLM/SiteAssets/Status_pic/Red.gif' border='0'/>")))
  • Please also post the formula for the individual columns that are working.
    – Erin L
    Commented Nov 16, 2016 at 13:33
  • Same code, just different goal column, so rather than "IF([Risk_value]" just IF([Impact], that is one of the two columns that "Risk_value" is built on. I realised that the problem was with me using the wrong format, text instead of numbers ("4" rather than just a plain 4)
    – Mydeza
    Commented Nov 16, 2016 at 15:30

2 Answers 2


Can you please provide the formula you've added in the calculated column formula field , since there are certain format need to be maintained while combining multiple columns in the calculated column formula field.

Please refer the below link for more info on this topic:


  • Here it is, it seems to be cut in the original: ="<center>"& IF([Risk_value]<="4","<img src='/sites/111607/CDC_STHLM/SiteAssets/Status_pic/Green.gif' border='0'/>", IF([Risk_value]="6","<img src='/sites/111607/CDC_STHLM/SiteAssets/Status_pic/Orange.gif' border='0'/>", IF([Risk_value]>"6","<img src='/sites/111607/CDC_STHLM/SiteAssets/Status_pic/Red.gif' border='0'/>"))) &"</center>"
    – Mydeza
    Commented Nov 16, 2016 at 13:37

Numeric value needs to be used because the Risk_value field is a number, e.g. =4, NOT ="4"


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