I have a calculated column which is not working as intended. There is an 'if' condition which checks the value from a date column called 'Modified' and it sets the calculated column to 90 days after the 'Modified' column.
When I wrap that if statement in an 'OR' function which will only set that date if a 'Status' (choice) column is not equal to certain values; this causes it to only hit the first condition, never the second.
Here is my equation:
=IF(OR(Status<>"Closed",Status<>"On Hold",Status<>"Pending Closure"),Modified+90,"No Due Date")
If I switch 'Modified+90' and 'No Due Date', all fields will be set to 'No Due Date' so I know that both conditions are viable it's just the 'OR' logic which is failing to ever hit the second condition.
I know the following logic works: =IF(Status<>"Closed",Updated+90,"No due date")
but this doesn't allow for multiple 'Status' column values.
Here is an image of the 'Status' values & the calculated column values side-by-side:
Status Column: Calculated Column :
The first 3 should result in 'No Due Date' and the 4th should show the value in that column.
Any guidance would be appreciated!!