I want to restrict approval of items by specific users, depending on the user input in a custom list. I used the "Start Approval" method of a workflow (Sharepoint Designer) and that works perfectly.

It binds the approver to a task in order to validate the item.

But on the approver side, I cannot click the button Approve/Reject (greyed out) So what I did was checking the "require content approval" option in my list settings -> Versioning menu Now everyone can simply Accept or Reject every item , and that's not what i want !

Thanks in advance for the help

EDIT : I'm now using Sharepoint designer with this code : enter image description here

The task is assigned to Richard Bertrand. But EVERYONE can just approve or reject the task.. How do I restrict approval of specific items to SPECIFIC USERS ONLY

2 Answers 2


You should create a SharePoint Group that don't have Manage List permission. Now add all users who can't approve the items into that group.

Now go and remove the users from the current groups.

  • I tried to add a group but I have no "Manage List" permission. Besides, my workflow generates 2 types of approvals depending on the price of the item created. So when the price is more than 1000 the approval request is sent to another user. I don't think i can do that with your solution
    – Greuh
    Commented Jun 25, 2016 at 22:31
  • I installed and configured workflow manager that permits me to create 2013 Sharepoint workflows type. I used Start a task process with "myuser" (Task outcome to Variable: Outcome) then a if Variable: Outcome equals Approved Set Workflow Status to Approved. The task assignment works but I can approve the task with every user that has Contribute Permissions.... My question is still the same, how can I request approvals of specific items by specific users??
    – Greuh
    Commented Jun 26, 2016 at 14:10

I think what I'm trying to achieve is simply not possible in Microsoft Sharepoint.

Instead I've created 2 differents custom lists with differents permissions, then created a workflow that copy every item submitted by a user into one of these lists, depending on fields values.

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