I have added a button into my SharePoint list using SharePoint designer.

I want to be able to open a document from the button. So I go the url for the word document by going properties on the normal link in a SharePoint list for a document.

I then put the link in a hidden column. I am now trying to use window.location.href = {column name} and I am keep getting below error.

500 error.

I want to use a button to open a document because I want to trigger a workflow off when the user clicks on OPEN DOCUMENT button.

Does anyone have any ideas whats the best way ?

  • When you hover on the button, what URL you see at the bottom of the browser? And check whether its correct?
    – Asad Refai
    Commented Dec 29, 2015 at 9:59
  • 2
    A calculated column with HTML would work for this case.
    – Akhoy
    Commented Dec 29, 2015 at 10:02

5 Answers 5


If you have the URL in a column in the list, then you'll have to either:

  • Display it in the form and retrieve its value from the DOM to use in your script, or
  • Use SOAP/REST to retrieve the column value from the list

What you're trying to do above would be a little magical. ;-)


Hover on the button you can see left bottom side which URL you are going to re-directing so check with the URL, else Go to that column which include URL test it manually whether URL is correct.

  • when I hover over the button, there is not an url on the bottom left hand side . Commented Dec 29, 2015 at 10:57

You can use a calculated column. The output type should be set to Number. Something like:

=CONCATENATE("<div><a href='http://mysite/list/ListName/DisplayForm.aspx?ID=",[ID],"'>Click Here</a></div>")

Another option would be to setup a multi-line text field, with rich text. Then run a workflow each time a new item is added to populate that text field with the HTML you need.


I would use a data view for this. Use your button in said data view and onclick of each item run some JavaScript. Your script would trigger the workflow then open your document.

I like the data view here because it is easy to embed something like an ID or any other property into your button, div, etc. I know you can get the same effect using a calculated column, but in my experience that can be clunky and doesn't always work how I'd like.


Why don't you try with JSLink. Refer: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/office/Client-side-rendering-JS-2ed3538a

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