We have a SharePoint 2013 site that is open access company-wide (NT authenticated users have "contribute no delete" access). When a user clicks on a file and selects "Share" to send it to somebody else in the company, it sends me (as the site owner) an email and I have to approve or decline. I don't want to have to do this, as they both already have access. I know I can turn off access requests completely, but this stops them from having the option to share. How can I turn off access requests but still allow end-users to share files using the "Share" option?

1 Answer 1


This is sort of a tricky situation, so you may need to leverage a custom permissions level and workflow engine to pull this off.

Each time that a document is added to the library, you should kickoff a workflow to give users a custom permissions level for that item that gives them "Contribute/No Delete/Manage Permissions" access to that item.

The users may have permissions to access, and even edit the document, but you are receiving the Administrative approval requests because you are the site Admin, and they lack the 'Manage Permissions' permissions level, so they technically cannot invite any users to use a document

When a user who doesn't have the ability to manage permissions for a site shares the sites with another user, the request is first routed to the admin for approval.


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