I have a List with a item of multistring value with length greater than 255.e.g 500 characters.
The workflow needs to run on every change and not manually.
I am using SharePoint 2013 online version and not on premises.
Issue Need to find and replace a string and replace it with another string.
Option1 If I use a string local variable to store the char after 255 is truncated. I can use the replace action SharePoint 2013 to replace the string but I need to be able to get the whole string without being truncated.
Option2 Can I Use dictionary variable. When I used a dictionary the workflow was getting suspended. Can I use the dictionary action to store the list item which is greater than 255 . Does Dictionary have the same limitation of the string 255
Option3 The initial initiation parameters has a multistring option . When I used it to store the value of the List Item. The workflow seemed to be stuck as it did not do anything but remaining in the started state forever. I had set the default value of the parameters.
Is it possible to use the Initial parameters in a workflow which needs to run automatically.
Option 4 Is it possible to use the Workflow actions pack from Plumsail to achieve this functionality. It has a split action. Can I use the Split functionality to achieve this. Is there a sample example or any posts.
There should definitely another way to replace text with length greater than 255 as it sounds academic.