Suppose I create a group "XYZ" who has full control on site . I will break permission inheritance of rootfolders (from folder starting with A to J) inside document library "abc" and assign a "XYZ" group with full control permissions to those folders.

My questions are

  1. Do other group having full control permission would still be able to access it ?
  2. How to make those folders accessible only to XYZ group and not others having full Control permissions.

1 Answer 1


Those groups will not be able to access the folders if the permission for the folder is broken and only the group "XYZ" has permissions to the folder and rest all are removed.


Sample powershell code:

$folders = $list.Folders
foreach ($spFolder in $folders)
    $PermissionLevel = "PermissionName" ;
    $group = $web.SiteGroups[$GroupName];   
    $roleAssignment = New-Object microsoft.sharepoint.SPRoleAssignment($group);
    $roleDefinition = $web.RoleDefinitions[$PermissionLevel];
  • ok. how do I achieve it using powershell? other full control groups also wont have access to it? Commented Mar 18, 2014 at 9:22
  • See my updated answer Commented Mar 18, 2014 at 9:34
  • Your code will break inheritance of all folders from list. I want to break from root level selective folders only Commented Mar 18, 2014 at 9:40
  • 1
    You need to add logic for that. The code simply demonstrates how to break permissions on a folder and add group to it. You should not rely on spoon feeding. Commented Mar 18, 2014 at 9:42
  • I tested it but it seems that it is still visible to other groups having full control Commented Mar 18, 2014 at 10:38

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