Using XSLT v1.0

tl;dr : How do i count the number of rows where two columns contain non-null values?

I have an application that records time stamps. I am taking two of those time stamps columns and finding the difference between the two times for each row. In some rows, there will not be a time stamp recorded for a column. This means that I may have only x amount of rows with both time stamps. I take all the time stamp differences, convert them to seconds and then add them up. I then want to divide them by the number of rows that have bot timestamps to get the average time.

I need a way to count only the rows that have valid time stamps in two columns.

I can count each row using :

<xsl:variable name="numRegOutNodes" select="count(/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row/@Registration_OUT[string(.)])" />

And I can then use that to get an average usign this:

<xsl:value-of select="format-number((($sum div $numRegOutNodes) div 60), &quot;#,##0.00;-#,##0.00&quot;)"/>

But that ONLY is dividing by the number of rows that Registration_OUT is not null. I need the number of rows where Registration_OUT and Registration_IN are not null.

For example

<xsl:variable name="numRegNodes" select="count(rows where registration_out and registration_in are not null)" />


I attempted to use the following :

 <xsl:variable name="numRegOutNodes" select="count(/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row/@Registration_OUT[string(.)] & /dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row/@Registration_IN[string(.)])" />

per Vadims instruction. This did not yield any results and raised the question: is & an acceptable operator in XSLT? A question for another day I suppose.

Next I used :

Test : <xsl:variable name="numRegOutNodes" select="count(/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row/@Registration_OUT[string(.)] and /dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row/@Registration_IN[string(.)])" />

No success.

I then used :

Test : <xsl:variable name="numRegOutNodes" select="count(/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row/@Registration_OUT[string(.)] | /dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row/@Registration_IN[string(.)])" />

Which did not error out the webpart - and quite possibly could work. But why would the or operator work and not the and operator?

Thanks for paying attention. cheers

Thank you!

2 Answers 2


The following expressions could be specified in order to get the number of rows where:

a) Registration_OUT AND Registration_IN are not null:

 <xsl:param name="numRegOutNodes" select="count(/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row[@Registration_OUT[string(.)] and @Registration_IN[string(.)]])"/>

b) Registration_OUT OR Registration_IN are not null:

<xsl:param name="numRegOutNodes" select="count(/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row[@Registration_OUT[string(.)] or @Registration_IN[string(.)]])"/>

P.S. Code samples have been tested in SPS 2010

  • This was my original attempt, although I used "and" as opposed to "&". Either way fails to work - both cause a correlation ID to appear. Thanks for trying. Commented Nov 26, 2013 at 14:57
  • Seppuku, the answer has been updated Commented Nov 30, 2013 at 23:08

The following should work. You have to play with the code to get it work. just make sure it's formatted this way column_Name[text()]


  • Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it. However the question is really about how to format a count for all rows that are empty for BOTH Registration_OUT and Registration_IN at the same time. I can get counts for both of them individually no problem. For example : count(number of rows where registration_out OR registration_in are not empty). I've tried quite a few different permutations and haven't made any progress. Thank you for your time, I truly appreciate it. Commented Nov 26, 2013 at 1:36

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