I have two DataFormWebparts on a page, one for creating new objects, one to edit them. The Webpart that creates them has this button :
<input type="button" value="Save" name="btnSave0" onclick="javascript: {ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent('__commit;__refresh;__redirect={Page.aspx?SelectedID_x003D__x007B_@ID_x007D_}')}" />
The actions for the button I have set from Sharepoint Designer 2010, as follows:
- Commit
- Refresh
- Navigate to page (same page but with parameter SelectedID set with value:
The logic that should happen is: save the object, then redirect to the same page but with the ID of the newly created object in the XsltListviewWebPart.
What actually happens, the redirect works but to:
I see two problems, first -the redirected URL seems to be encoded. Second, the parameter is simply taken as string, not considered as an actual parameter.
Can anyone please give a hint on what's going on?