I want to synchronize office 365 outlook calendar with office 365 SharePoint calendar. How to do this ? Is it Possible ?

  • did you get an answer to this? I too want to do the same thing.
    – user16697
    Commented Apr 29, 2013 at 18:35
  • We just looked into this for a customer, what my colleague said was it is not possible yet, but it is a planned enhancement. However, that was before I saw all of that stuff about MS planning to deprecate the ability to sync SharePoint tasks with Outlook client. Commented Sep 26, 2014 at 6:16

1 Answer 1


No it's not possible ootb, but you can get a better view if you synchronize the SharePoint calendar to the client software Outlook 2013. That way you are able to see both calendars side by side.

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