I am trying to setup friendly URL for SP Online site collection. For Example by default all SP Online site collections looks like http://companyname.sharepoint.com/sites/test

Here I don't want to have sharepoint.com in the URL instead I'm trying to setup something very friendly URL based on the projectname or business unit such as https://projectname.companyname.com/test

I don't have much experience on DNS setup. Can anyone please throw some light on this query that would be helpful. Also is there any limitations/cons if I setup friendly URL like this https://projectname.companyname.com/test

Thanks, Kiran

1 Answer 1


Per my understanding, in SharePoint On-Premises, AAM can be used to change the host name by adding DNS Entries. However as far as I know, there is no similar built-in function in SPO so far.

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