On dropdown change event i am making a column mandatory. if you see the below picenter image description here for the first time when TypeofRequest="508web" what format should be return as becomes mandatory. The below code works fine for the first time when i change the dropdown. Once i change the value and come back it is adding 2 stars to the nobr text (refer screen shot below). enter image description here

how can we over come this

Function for the same

function MandateColumn(ColNames, mandatory)
{for(var i=0;i<ColNames.length;i++)
    if(mandatory=="True"){ var controlvalidate= $("[id^='"+ColNames[i]+"']").prev('td').text();
       var spanTag ="<span class=\"ms-formvalidation\"> *</span>";
       var newHtml1 = controlvalidate;
           newHtml =newHtml1 + spanTag;               
              {return $(this).text() === controlvalidate;}).html(newHtml);}else{ }}}

Calling the above function (

var BPHCMandateCols= ['FormatShouldReturnas'];
  • Did you try removing the "*" from var spanTag ="<span class=\"ms-formvalidation\"> *</span>"; ? Commented Oct 16, 2018 at 17:16
  • Yes,If i Remove the * for the first time it self it will not add it. Commented Oct 16, 2018 at 17:53
  • So why do you purposely add * ?,however ms-formvalidation itself renders the * Commented Oct 16, 2018 at 18:31

1 Answer 1


I was able to achieve this by removing the span tag.

function MandateColumn(ColNames, mandatory)
    for(var i=0;i<ColNames.length;i++)

       var controlvalidate= $("[id^='"+ColNames[i]+"']").prev('td').text();
       var newHtml1 = controlvalidate;
              {return $(this).text() === controlvalidate;}).html(newHtml1);
       var spanTag ="<span class=\"ms-formvalidation\">*</span>";

           newHtml =newHtml1 + spanTag;               
              {return $(this).text() === controlvalidate;}).html(newHtml);



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