I'd like to change the date format settings for the Sharepoint Admin Centre. Currently the date is displayed using US MMDDYY (which for me is illogical), to the settings used by most of the world, DDMMYY.
Screen shot from Sharepoint Online Admin Centre:
I've read on SP Technet that this date setting can't be changed, which surely can't be true...
I also use the 'export' feature to get a summary of the SP Admin Centre in Excel, for analysis purposes, the file then needs formatting to try to make better sense of the dates.
Other Notes
One thing I've found is that on the User Profiles menu it allows me to change language/region/date format settings (see pic below). However, I'm not sure that the Sharepoint Admin Centre settings can be changed via these settings. I'm Sharepoint Admin, so I think this menu gives me the power to change my user profile preferences and then to apply the same settings to my colleagues i.e. 'For Me' or 'Everyone'. We're UK-based, so would all use the same settings.
The url of the User Profile menu is: https://MyDomain.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/tenantprofileadmin/ProfAdminEdit.aspx?guid=459abf6c-c935-4340-af87-102194f7f02c&q=tall&ConsoleView=Active&ProfileType=User&ApplicationID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Thanks for any advice on this, even if it's just to confirm that this setting is 'set in stone' and simply cannot be changed.