This is for SharePoint Online
I have a calculated column that takes info from 2 date columns and calculates the number of days. Some times one of these columns wont contain data. This will then populate the field with either #NAME! or #NUM? error in the third column.
I'm attempting to create an error catch with the code below:
=DATEDIF([Create Date],[Date Closed],"d",IF(ISERROR(DATEDIF([Create Date],[Date Closed],"d"),"-","") )
I am not sure if there are too many arguments or if I have just totally messed up the syntax.
All I want the calculation to do is:
First- calculate the number of days between one column and the other. Thats what the (DATEIF,"d") function does.
Then-If either of the columns are missing data the ISERROR function should catch it. If that is the case it should show either "-" or "".
I don't know if this is possible out of the box or if I need to use JavaScript to accomplish this.
If it is possible I could really use help with this syntax