I can't seem to change the initial value of a Choice field when the Allow Fill-In option is enabled. I'm using the modern template for SharePoint online It is only an issue with Allow Fill-In, I've tried multiple browsers and a different tenant but the issue remains. Is there any workaround? Do you have the same problem?

I've made a gif showing my problem: https://i.sstatic.net/xx0cE.jpg enter image description here

  • What kind of fields are 'Flera; and 'en till'? Are they 'cascading lookup' fields? These are fields that have a dependency. It could be that the combination you are choosing does not exist, according to the dependency, and so it will not allow you to select this combination.
    – Tally
    Commented May 14, 2018 at 13:38
  • Hi! They are simple Choice fields that are not connected in any way. The properties for 'Flera': imgur.com/a/vvNaDMn - The only difference between the columns is Allow Fill-In. I can edit 'en till' column but not the other :(
    – lrdx
    Commented May 14, 2018 at 13:48

2 Answers 2


I had the same issue, discovered it last week (9th May 18). I couldn't find a solution, including rebuilding my document library from scratch, so I removed allow fill-in, and create an extra option 'other'.

Another option is to create a second list with the options you need and create a lookup field to that list. End-users can add to that list.


Instead of selecting, simply type the new choice option in the field.

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