I am looking at the Modern experience in documents and lists, and specifically the tiles view option.
I can see that the tile preview img tag src attribute for each of the tiles points to the following url:
<img class="od-ImageTile-image" src="https://australiasoutheast1-mediap.svc.ms/transform/thumbnail?provider=spo&inputFormat=png&cs=fFNQTw&docid=https%3A%2F%2Fmytenant.sharepoint.com%3A443%2F_api%2Fv2.0%2Fdrives%2Fb!QTd0bWaqp0m9xt6dA0TZpPKwJE7AaWJPnQIO7sEpJGXSgX2dXgwXR4orEx4jtBgl%2Fitems%2F013366R3CR7MYYFKOSE5EZRQFVHK452X7P%3Fversion%3DPublished&access_token=...&encodeFailures=1&width=172&height=172&srcWidth=&srcHeight=&cropMode=dochead" style="left: 0%; top: 0%; width: 100%;">
Does anyone know if it is possible to call this “service” https://australiasoutheast1-mediap.svc.ms/transform/thumbnail from your own code?
I would love to be able to use this service to generate previews of content in a similar way that the OOTB “tiles” view is doing.
Is there any documentation or other guidance around this?
Thanks in advance