I run across an issue since yesterday when i use CSOM (c#) to get the URL and description fields from a Hyperlink field?
My first issue starts when i add a longer link to the hyperlink column. It gives me an error with this message The value of this field may not contain more than 255 characters
. Is there a way out to fix this issue ?
I have tried to solve this problem by creating rich text column
and saving the url text as a link. But i'm not sure if i can call this column as a URL (as a link) in my asp.net application.
My objective is to save all the links (that can trigger new item button for the selected lists) to specified list (in this case "linkst_to_Create") and to fetch for external application.
foreach ( Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ListItem listItem in items)
// I got Title succesfully.
Label1.Text = "" + listItem["Title"];
// testhyper is hyperlink column in the list
HyperLink1.NavigateUrl = listItem["testhyper"].ToString();