I'm working with SharePoint 2010 Enterprise and we are using Search Server 2010 with the publishing workflow and a Forms Based Authentication on our main Web App, our Web Application is extended to a port 81 that allows NTLM for the search account. The problem we encounter is getting content crawled in the sites, the search account is set up with read only rights and access to the content. All sites and Libraries and Lists are set to allow Searching and Indexing and we don't get errors in crawling URL's, they just never happen.
We have a Home top level with an About, Public, Communities and Projects all as subsites of Home, yet when I run a crawl on the site I am only getting the main page and About. The Public, Communities and Projects do have the Publishing Worklfow (major/minor) versions on the content, although I am not sure this is an issue. In some tests I seem to be able to get more content using the main site (almost all), using the extended site I don't get much.
Not sure if anyone uses the publishing workflow but if you do how are you crawling and have you encountered issues? Any recommendations on setting up Content Site URL's and settings to get search results? Anything that works?