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Multiple sharepoint list date column validation in list settings

I am trying to add validation on multiple dates in SharePoint list. Example: If end date is added by user the start date shall be mandatory. The start date shall not be greater than end date. =IF(...
Mohammed Abdul Samad's user avatar
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Need help with another sharepoint validation formula

I am trying to validate the Ticket Number field for certain task types and i am trying to validate the Manager email field for certain task types. My fields are like this: Task Type (Radio button ...
drgaprilfool's user avatar
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List Validation syntax error

I have a challenge with the List Validation process for a simple form. I need to check 2 fields: If [NPC Status] is "Passed" and [NPC End Date] greater or equal 2/24/2022. =IF([NPC Status]=&...
Artem's user avatar
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