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Questions tagged [validation]

Validation checks that the product design satisfies or fits the intended usage (high-level checking), i.e., the software meets the user requirement. This is done through dynamic testing and other forms of review.

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1 answer

MS Lists Validation Setting - how to create a formula

I am using =[FAY Date<=[Clearance Date] and is working but I do not know how to include [FAY Date<=[Contract End]. How do I combine both into one formula to use in MS List Validation Setting. ...
user118996's user avatar
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Need help with validation formula for document list in SharePoint list

I am trying to apply validation to document title column, we replacing spaces in title with dashes manually, Validation should fail if it cant find dash in title column, but only want to apply it to ...
Bhushan Jambure's user avatar
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Need assistance with creating nested IF statements in a AND statement

I have a nested IF statement, in an AND statement. The IF statement ensures that IF an "Approval Date" is entered, a value must be entered in the "Total Budget Amount Approved" ...
Frandy Osias's user avatar
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If one column is not empty, require value in another column

I am seeking SharePoint List Formula that requires an entry in one column, if another column is not empty. For example, I have a column titled "Approval Date". If an approval date is entered ...
Frandy Osias's user avatar
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Validation formula conflict

In a particular column (DateRangeofReport) of a Sharepoint list I have a validation formula that ensures the input is entered consistently. Additionally, the input is optional, established by ...
Richard's user avatar
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List Validation between different Sharepoints - Not refreshing on web

I have FileA and FileB, two sharepoints. On FileB i have the list validation criteria (from 1 to 10), on FileA i have to implement the list validation picking from the list of FileB. I tried with a ...
Simone's user avatar
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SharePoint / Teams Date Column Restriction using Validation Syntax Question

I have two date columns in a SharePoint List. I am trying to figure out the proper syntax for use in the Validation box. For the first, I want to restrict the date entered to only accept today's date ...
John Crouse's user avatar
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List Column Validation dependant on another column

I am using a Microsoft List for employees to request their leave (annual / sick leave). I have a column called 'Leave Start Date' where they enter the start date of their leave. It currently has a ...
dieselpro's user avatar
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Formula to compare two date fields in SharePoint Lists

I have two date fields, not time stamp, in SharePoint that I want to display an error if one date is less than or equal to the other date field. I'm not looking to calculate anything, just a simple ...
Jennifer A. Gonzalez's user avatar
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My list validation formula does not work on choice column

I have a SharePoint list with choice columns. I want to set a validation rule that says if Column A = "Yes" and Column B is set to "No" then it should error. The idea is that when ...
Helen's user avatar
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Get list items and check if duplicate exists

I need help to validate if an item with the same name already exists in a SharePoint 2019 list using SPFx on the same site. I have a custom built form that is used for other validations. In that form, ...
Youseff's user avatar
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Reference value of another row (item) in list Validation Settings conditional formula

Is possible to reference values of another row (item) in list Validation Settings conditional formula? For example: I want to prevent the user to save a new item with same date of another existing ...
Damian's user avatar
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Multiple User Messages on list Validation Settings

Is there any OOB way to display different user message per validation?
Damian's user avatar
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SharePoint list validation formula based on created and modified dates no longer evaluates as FALSE ever

To clarify, the formula below is for list validation and not field validation: =IF(OR(NOW()<[Created]+(1/1440),NOW()<=[Modified]+(10/86400)),TRUE,FALSE) This checks for the following conditions:...
Scott Olson's user avatar
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Automatic update on Progress Bar in MS Lists

I'm setting up a project tracker. Each project has 10 different stages. Within each stage I have 5 different choices - Waiting, Ongoing, Passed, Failed, Under Review. I have a progress column that has ...
Mgomcl's user avatar
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Validate an entry is within a range

Any help with this would be really appreciated! I have 2 columns both of type number (OrigDensity and TestDensity). I would like to validate as a user inputs TestDensity it must be +/- 0.05 of ...
Dieter's user avatar
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SharePoint text field user should able to enter 6-digit alphanumeric characters only [closed]

SharePoint text field user should be able to enter 6-digit alphanumeric characters only.
varun's user avatar
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2 answers

SharePoint Online List column validation

Hopefully someone can help. I have a SP online List. For a date column, the user should not be able to pick a date less than the current date and also the date has to be less than 365 days. Can this ...
Travis Horne's user avatar
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Making required condition in SharePoint list dependent on another field

I have a SharePoint list with several choice, date, text and yes/no fields. I want to make some fields conditional on another field containing a certain word. So for example, I have a field called '...
21200506's user avatar
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SharePoint Online Modern Form Conditional Formatting (Column Rules)

I am working on a SharePoint Online Modern Form solution using the OTB conditional formatting. There are three rules that I am trying to apply, here is the example. Two Columns: COL1 - Choice Field - ...
Travis Horne's user avatar
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Control on date selection for new entry but not affect existing records

I have a list in SharePoint with a date column "Complete Date". I want to add a control to only allow users to select the complete date in current quarter. I used this formula: =IF(TODAY()&...
Ray's user avatar
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Set field as mandatory if the field is dependent on another field

Can I set a field as mandatory if the field is dependent on the status? Below is the form to insert information for a new plan. How to set Purpose of Visit field as mandatory. If I use the below ...
Nehad's user avatar
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How date can be dependent on status changing

I developed a travel plan list on SharePoint. In the plan, for travel, there are 3 drop-down stages: Planned Completed Cancelled But the issue is anyone can select the "Completed" status ...
Nehad's user avatar
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2 answers

Microsoft LISTS Validation Settings question

In my list I have 3 columns, one titled 'Review Status', one titled 'Type of System' and one titled 'Needed Information'. I am trying to write a validation that says If the Review Status equals ...
Just Somebody's user avatar
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SharePoint Site column of type Single line of text with specific validation expression

I'm looking for a validation formula to validate a site column in SharePoint site and make it only accept only lower case English characters, numbers, and only hyphen, I tried below formula but it's ...
Mohammad Akilan's user avatar
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SharePoint List Validation Not Working

I have this list validation expression: =IF([Enrolled], IF(ISBLANK([Email Address]), FALSE, TRUE), TRUE) But its not triggering any validation. I also tried some simpler validation expressions: =IF(...
Tyler's user avatar
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2 answers

How to validate the choice column in SharePoint 2016 custom list

I'm struggling with the following issue: there is a need to create a participation list for my stuff for the upcoming training. The conference room has 18 seats. There are three training sessions ...
Alex's user avatar
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Setting input value in modern experience with javascript

I'm trying to automate the adding of a list entry in sharepoint online lists with modern UI and plain JS. Setting the value works fine using: // Stolen from StackOverflow ;) const inputTypes = [ ...
MsListsAutomator's user avatar
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When using List Validation, Add list entry works but not Edit when using Created date

ISSUE: The list validation works when adding a list entry, but when editing the same entry (with no change), the user message is displayed. Using SharePoint 2016. I have tried numerous combinations, ...
UnderMar's user avatar
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Sharepoint validation list conditional

I need to write a list validation formula. I have a column named type of change that is numbers that is mandatory if other column dollars is filled. Thank you
tovans88's user avatar
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Validation on a list if date is not blank and Monday - Thursday

I have a form with about 10 fields. One of them is Start Date. I am trying to create a formula that will validate if a Start Date is selected and if the Start Date is Monday - Thursday. In other words,...
Mike J's user avatar
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Multiple sharepoint list date column validation in list settings

I am trying to add validation on multiple dates in SharePoint list. Example: If end date is added by user the start date shall be mandatory. The start date shall not be greater than end date. =IF(...
Mohammed Abdul Samad's user avatar
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Sharepoint list validation on branching

I am reaching the limit of 1024 characters on list level validation due to branching. I can't use field validation as I can't determine if a field is visible and decide whether to enforce the ...
Stephen's user avatar
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PowerApps Form Validation - Not on Submit

I have an App (PowerApps) that includes 8 different Forms on 8 different screens that the User freely navigates and fills out info. Among these Forms are several different Required Fields. I'd like ...
Quilly's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to perform column value dependent validation on list attachments

I have a list with a choice column called Status with possible values: New, Pending, Complete. I would like to be able to ensure that whenever the Status column is set to Complete, that an attachment ...
Kenneth Ward's user avatar
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Making a Date field required in case the use select In-progress from a choice field using list validation formula

I have a SharePoint online custom list which contains 2 columns: StartDate of type Date Time Status of type Choice field which have values such as Open, In-Progress, Closed. Now I want to write a ...
John John's user avatar
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Validation in SharePoint List (IF, AND, OR)

I need: If [estado]= "concluido" > turn into mandatory columns [Diagnostico Final] and [Atribuído a] And: If [estado]= "Executando Trabalho" or "em transito" or &...
1 vote
1 answer

Two formulas in validation settings

I am trying to add two formulas in validation settings but getting syntax errors. I have created a leave request list in SharePoint. My requirements are below: If Half Day(Yes/No column) is equal to ...
Nik's user avatar
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Need help with another sharepoint validation formula

I am trying to validate the Ticket Number field for certain task types and i am trying to validate the Manager email field for certain task types. My fields are like this: Task Type (Radio button ...
drgaprilfool's user avatar
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Validate time field for 23:59 format in SharePoint Online list

I'm trying to add validation to a text column in an SPO list so that entered data only contains values from 00:00 to 23:59. I referred this article for a validation code which works fine. But it does ...
Robin Roy's user avatar
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Need help with column validation on a single line of text field

I am looking to validate that my field always starts with the following text before allowing it to be saved "inc", "sctask", "prb", "chg", or "ritm". ...
drgaprilfool's user avatar
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List Validation syntax error

I have a challenge with the List Validation process for a simple form. I need to check 2 fields: If [NPC Status] is "Passed" and [NPC End Date] greater or equal 2/24/2022. =IF([NPC Status]=&...
Artem's user avatar
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Conditional Required Field in SharePoint Online Library Validation Syntax Error

Goal I have a "Managed Services" Choice column with predefined choices displaying as Checkboxes (allow multiple selections). I want to make another column required based on the selection of ...
swissbuechi's user avatar
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SharePoint Validation Settings

I have a drop down with Not Started, In Progress, Completed, No Longer Needed as different options. I want to require In Progress Comments to be filled in when In Progress is selected. When Completed ...
user103408's user avatar
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calculated value in sharepoint list

I'm creating a form whereby I want the date field to prepopulate to 3 business days from Today's date (exclude weekends). I'd also like to block the ability for users to select any days earlier than ...
Jerome's user avatar
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Add code based validation to InfoPath forms for Sharepoint

I have a list where I use Infopath Forms. Users use these forms to enter data. They should also attach something in the form, but if they don't attach anything and click save, I want that the item is ...
Code Pope's user avatar
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Conditional Required Field in SharePoint Library

I know how I can make the conditional formatting based on one selection, but I have an issue with multiple selections. I have a City dropdown column with three options: Test, Test1, Test3. My other ...
Harris's user avatar
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List Validations

I am terrible at writing formulas. I need a list validation formula to make all fields mandatory unless the status is in DRAFT. =NOT([Stage]=0 DRAFT,IF([Function]="",FALSE,TRUE),TRUE) But ...
user28400's user avatar
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Video upload - List data Validation failed

I tried uploading two files ("sample video 1" and "Gitte godsk"), both of them have the same features, details and both of them are mp4 format. "Sample Video 1" uploads ...
ToBah's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 Mandatory Column when Based on drop down on another column

I have a SharePoint 2013 list where I need to log Issues. One of my column is labelled "Issue Status". Generally, I have REQUIRED field populated when the form is filed out and the "...
Nina's user avatar
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