Before I start this entire process over I wanted to check in here to see if anyone had any thoughts. I have a test environment that I'm attempting to upgrade from x86 to x64. I've completed the following steps:
- Created the x64 SharePoint server, and added it to the farm.
- Upgraded and moved databases to new x64 bit server.
- Moved Central Administration to new x64 bit server.
At this point everything is working and looks great. The farm still contains the 32-bit front end server. I am now trying to create a new SSP so that I can move the SSP to the new front end server. However, when I try to create a new placeholder SSP, I get an unknown error and the following errors are thrown into the event log:
- Event 3759: Database 'my configuration database' on SQL Server instance 'alias pointing to my x64 server' is not empty and does not match current database schema.
- Event 3759: Database 'SharePoint_AdminContent_daeb26da-1d00-40b6-b7a3-17c6573dbdb1' on SQL Server instance 'alias pointing to my x64 server' is not empty and does not match current database schema.
- Event 5586: Unknown SQL Exception 262 occured. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below. CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'.
I've googled these errors and verified that my installation account and the account I'm using to create the SSP have dbcreator roles. I even gave the SSP Service account a sysadmin role just to see what would happen but I'm still getting the same errors.
I also verified that the versions are the same everywhere, and all sharepoint servers, sites, and the versions table in the config database have this version:
So, I'm a bit stumped. I think there is a chance that I might have used my personal domain account to install the slipstream and that may be the root of all my problems, and I'll just have to start over. But, I thought maybe someone could see something I'm overlooking. Any thoughts appreciated.