I want variations to not update target pages automatically. So I run the following script on poweshell:
$rootWeb = Get-SPWeb http:///
$relationshipsList = $rootWeb.Lists["Relationships List"]
$propertyStore = $relationshipsList.RootFolder $propertyStore.Properties.Add("DisableAutomaticPropagation", "True") $propertyStore.Update();
But smth is not right. Because when:
1- When source is first published, I can manually click the button Create Varioation and than the target page is created. And this is ok
2- But when I republish this source page, the content updated is reflected to the target automatically.
I don't want the target page to update automatically with the minor version of the source page just republished. THIS was the reason I made it manual
Can I do this on Sharepoint 2013? How?
Sharepoint 2013 has the variations settings page, but they seems they doesn't work
Do not recreate a new target page when the source page is republished, - I checked this but the page is still recreated
How to stop recreating the variation page?