I am experiencing some issues with variations in Sharepoint Online. We have two sites; nl-nl, which is the source and en-us, which is the target. When I change/edit the default page the variation is working, and after the timer job the changes are made to the en-us site.
But when I create a new page the variation is not working. When I open the the page that's not being transfered to the target site I see this notification (directly translated from Dutch): source only, this page only exists on this site and is not available for translation on target sites. I have tried to Google my issue but I can't find any information about this.
I even copied the default page but this gave me the same notification, this means it currently only works for one page. Has anybody any idea on how to solve this?
Edit 1: I think I have found the solution, after I have checked in the page, Sharepoint gives me an option to make it a 'targetpage'. I think this will solve my problem. I will update this post when as soon as I know.