I am doing a search using this code:

var queryText;
queryText = "<QueryPacket xmlns='urn:Microsoft.Search.Query' Revision='1000'>";
queryText += "<Query>";
queryText += "<SupportedFormats>";
queryText += "<Format>urn:Microsoft.Search.Response.Document.Document</Format>";
queryText += "</SupportedFormats>";
queryText += "<Context>";
queryText += "<QueryText language='en-US' type='STRING'>";
queryText += text;
queryText += "</QueryText>";
queryText += "</Context>";
queryText += "<Range><Count>1000</Count></Range>";
queryText += "<Properties>";
queryText += "<Property name='Title'></Property>";
queryText += "<Property name='Path'></Property>";
queryText += "<Property name='Description'></Property>";
queryText += "<Property name='Write'></Property>";
queryText += "<Property name='Rank'></Property>";
queryText += "<Property name='Size'></Property>";
queryText += "</Properties>";
//queryText += "<SortByProperties>";
//queryText += "<SortProperty name='Title' direction='ascending' order="1"></SortProperty>";
//queryText += "</SortByProperties>";
queryText += "<EnableSpellCheck>false</EnableSpellCheck>";
queryText += "<TrimDuplicates>false</TrimDuplicates>";
queryText += "<IncludeRelevantResults>false</IncludeRelevantResults>";
queryText += "</Query>";
queryText += "</QueryPacket>";

    operation: "Query",
    queryXml: queryText,
    completefunc: searchComplete

However, I want to set the search scope to a specific library. How can I do this?


1 Answer 1


Piecing together 2 articles (MSDN and 2), it looks as if your QueryText section should be like this:

<QueryText language=xml:lang type='MSSQLFT'>
SELECT Title,shortdescription,description,Rank, FROM portal..scope() WHERE
CONTAINS ('"test*"')   AND  ( ("SCOPE" = 'TestScope') )  ORDER BY "Rank" DESC

I had looked into this before, but we ripped the functionality out of the site. Anita has some useful posts on the search web service and SPServices.


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