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Questions tagged [spservices]

SPServices is a jQuery library which abstracts SharePoint's Web Services and makes them easier to use.

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Using Script Editor and/or Content Editor Web Parts Alongside an Infopath Form?

First some info about the system I'm working in: Sharepoint Server 2013 on-premise Sharepoint Designer 2013 Infopath Designer No access to Power Apps I'm new to Sharepoint. I also know very, very ...
RWeaverAMT's user avatar
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Find duplicate field in another list using SPservices

When I'm adding a new item to a list Software, I want Country field would be compared to the Country field in another list (Countries) and if it's duplicate, I need to get an error and form couldn't ...
Katia's user avatar
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spservices.js.Error:- Uncaught (in > promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading > 'LookupList')

Inside our SPFx web part we have the following code inside the spservices.js code:- spservices.prototype.getLookupFieldOptions = function (siteUrl, listId, fieldInternalName) { return ...
John John's user avatar
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Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings Service stuck on "Stopping"

Stopping "Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Service" in SharePoint 2016 Server by using Power-shell command but it stuck at below line and not responding. Remove-...
AravindHackett's user avatar
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Custom ASPX Page from HTML file SPServices Issue

I have created a custom HTML page and moved it to a Sandbox Site on my SharePoint site. I have loaded the following script in my <head></head> tag, ttps://
BeerusDev's user avatar
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AddListItem is not populating the List in SP2013

I have a knowledge check in HTML form, so I cant inject into CEWP or SP pages. It needs to be JS, CSS, and HTML. How do I populate a list if someone completes a Knowledge Check? It will add the score, ...
Lance Bitner's user avatar
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Need script solution for SharePoint 2013 list? It returns all names vs just the active ones

Anyone have a solution as to what is missing in this script: It returns all the names in the list vs just the active ones? function OpenEmpReport() { var webURL = 'https://....................'; ...
user95039's user avatar
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SP Services Does not Open Link Correctly

I was looking at my code and it seems that tempObj2.filename = $(this).attr("ows_URL") grabs the URL and Description field which makes the a href invalid when opening in the front end. When ...
Dynamics's user avatar
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SPServices is not working in one environment and working in one SharePoint environment/

We deployed solution in one SharePoint server, and uploaded the js file after solution deployed. we are getting the following errors on debugging JS. SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or ...
sushma manne's user avatar
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Two of the same Service instances and stuck on starting/stopping - How to remove one Instance - OnPrem SharePoint 2016

So we recently updated our SharePoint Farm (6 Servers [2 Web, 2 App, 2 Search]). Everything is working fine beside, SQL Server Repoing Service. We had some problems with getting the settings correct ...
Sebastian König's user avatar
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SharePoint 2013 SPServices UpdateListItems 403 FORBIDDEN

I have been using the SPServices UpdateListItems code below for several years on an on-premise SharePoint 2013 Enterprise server without any issue. However, we recently migrated to a new cloud-based ...
billyjimjack's user avatar
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When Calling a JQuery via ID element, it shows twice

When I am calling a JQuery using the ID element in the Div tag, its showing up twice. Is there something I need to do to stop the double showing? Below is my code and under that is the outcome (...
adams-j's user avatar
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How to display just 1 list (announcements) items SP Services

I have a web-part created using SP Services to display Announcements on my SharePoint. I have tried to copy this web part and display different list (also announcements) however I'm having trouble ...
Dawid S's user avatar
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Getting ID for a list item with JS

I am trying to set up a simple subscription tool where users can subscribe to or unsubscribe from various distribution list. The idea is that you select a user through a people picker ('subuser'), ...
nutshell99's user avatar
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Sharepoint putting extra "src" information in <img> tags

I'm trying to find a resolution to a problem i have never came across previously. I have created a quill rich text editor where i intend to put text and images that i can store as html in SharePoint ...
Dániel Pfeiffer's user avatar
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How can I capture a URL Parameter on a list page so that I may append it to the URL of an "Add New Item" button?

Scenario: I have a list page that has already been filtered from a prior table via a URL parameter. How do I carry that URL parameter over when "create a new item" button is clicked? Issue: On the ...
Chuck Farley's user avatar
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OOTB validation on custom new form using SPCascade

I have a custom new form that I've implemented SPServices SPCascade on. The cascade functionality is working beautifully, but now when the form is saved and any required fields are not filled out, it ...
Jehiel238's user avatar
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SPServices Cascade Dropdowns dynamic filter

I have 3 lookup columns. Site - lookup column to specify type of environment (prod or non-prod) Operating System - lookup column to specify operating system to be used (linux or windows) Templates - ...
user87253's user avatar
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CAML queries suddenly quit working; SP Online; SPServices

I have CAML queries performed against SharePoint Online lists through SPServices that have worked beautifully for 5 years. Sometime in the last couple of weeks they started returning incorrect results....
James Baker's user avatar
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Replace HTML list values with substring on SharePoint 2013 Custom List Field

I'm using SPAutocomplete from SPServices because I have a requirement to make a searchable lookup field rather than an OOTB lookup field (drop down menu), as there is potential for thousands of values ...
RnR93's user avatar
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Start Workflow via JS gives error "Value cannot be null"

Hi I am attempting to start an SP 2010 workflow using Jquery SP Services but i seem to be getting a response 500 Value cannot be null. There is not supposed to be an initiation form yet when i ...
Lambros's user avatar
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Bulk item Insert/update in SharePoint list using JavaScript

I want to add items in bulk (around 13000 entries) into the SharePoint list using the JavaScript. For this I have already user CSOM Client Context Batch insert code and also I tried the SP.Services() ...
Krunal Patel's user avatar
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Code not Recognizing SP Services

I am getting error that I see in Developer Tools - Cannot read SPAutocomplete of undefined. I check in the Network tab and clearly see SP Services file loaded as is jQuery. I checked the browser ...
Ginger22's user avatar
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Button that sets dropdown value onclick in Edit Form SPO 2013

INFO/OVERVIEW Using Sharepoint Online 2013/Classic view. The library name is SourcesLibrary On the *SourcesLibrary** Edit Form, there are (3) columns: The dropdown column is called Document, which ...
TheJDScott's user avatar
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SPServices/jQuery and rich text fields

I'm trying to use SPServices to render rich text on a page using the GetListItems method. I've seen a couple of articles with different solutions (jQuery to get rich text) but I'm still not very clear ...
neptr's user avatar
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Error loading javascript code in content editor webpart in other browser except IE 11

I have added content editor webpart in NewForm.aspx in SP2013 and reading the code to javascript file called HideFields.js. The script is working as expected in IE 11 but not in Firefox, Chrome and ...
Supermode's user avatar
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SPServices.SPCascadeDropdowns is not working "XML Parsing Error: not well-formed"

I am working on a sharepoint online team site. and i want to define a Cascade drop down for main and sub categories. so i follow the steps mentioned in this Demo. Where in my case i created 3 lists ...
John John's user avatar
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Active Directory profile pictures sync with

How to import Active Directory profile pictures into SharePoint 2019? SPMA EXPORT is not working. It shows stopped. Any help?
Nepolean132's user avatar
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List Driven, Cascading, Multi-Choice form fields

I am looking to be able to select multiple values like this. Circle Red Blue Triangle Green Blue Square Yellow Green Red Blue So I can have a Circle-Blue; Square-Yellow; Square-Green; as the ...
Christopher's user avatar
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remove all users from a SPGroup on Save button click in NewForm.aspx using CSOM/REST

on save button click of my newsplist newform.aspx, i need to remove all the users from the custom spgroup. i tried with REST API, but there is no method to delete all users from the group! its allows ...
samolpp2's user avatar
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SPServices SPDisplayRelatedInfo displayFormat:"none"

I am having an issue when using the displayFormat: "none" with SPDisplayRelatedInfo. My plan is to populate fields on the new and edit forms with the data from the selected lookup item. When I set ...
coko's user avatar
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Get Modified date of current page in Site Pages using SPServices

Using embedded script on a page from "Site Pages", I want to display the Modified date at the bottom of the page (I also want to display a custom column called "Page Owner", but I have figured out how ...
Dale Hohm's user avatar
2 votes
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SharePoint SPService SPCascade dropdown show none in the edit mode

We have 2 relationship lists such as Category and Sub Category List We successfully set cascade behaviour in the new item page. $().SPServices.SPCascadeDropdowns({ relationshipList: "...
Andy's user avatar
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Searching through REST API and CAML with Paging

I have requirement to filter two fields with substring but I found out that substring is not working in REST API it have some kind of bug. So below question suggested to use listdata....
Milind's user avatar
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Do I require permissions to run SPServices on Sharepoint?

I require assistance with Sharepoint. I've tried multiple ways to retrieve data from a list and have had little to no success, after much reading and searching I'm still no further ahead. I am using ...
mcv's user avatar
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How to Read SP list into javascript - SPServices.SPGetListItemsJson returns key value pairs which do not belong to dataset

Environment: SharePoint 2010 jquery-1.12.3.min jquery.SPServices-2014.02.min Trying to use SPSerivces method to read a SP list into javascript. When reviewing the final output I have the ...
mcv's user avatar
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How to change date display

Currently the below code gives me a date display of: 2019-01-31 00:00:00. I would like to see it displayed as: 31 January 2019 instead... <table width="35%" align="left" id="myHTMLTable" border=...
drcoz's user avatar
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Create new lookup item via dialog and javascript Posting new or edit list form results in error on SharePoint 365

Here is my foundation setup. create two list 1.项目联系人信息: Contains master data that provides lookup values to test3 2.test3 Contains values and one column to lookup values from [项目联系人信息] ...
RAY's user avatar
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3 tier SP Services Cascading Dropdown

I have 4 lists: Category Subcategory Detail IT Service Request Column Details: Category list has one column: "Title" Subcategory list has two columns: "Title" and a lookup column named "Category" ...
SGRZYM's user avatar
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perform custom validation on custom html form against sharepoint list

How to write the custom validation using jQuery in custom HTML form? I have created a custom html form which has fields dropdown, single line of text, people picker,date, etc. and custom submit ...
samolpp2's user avatar
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How to redirect users to a different page/URL on a SharePoint save button click in New item form?

I am having an issue about redirecting users to a different URL on Save or Cancel button. First of all I have used below code to change SharePoint list new item form's Save button to Submit. <...
mdevm's user avatar
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SPServices get User ID of a user using SPServices

How can I get Userid of a user based on his account name or email using SPServices I checked here but ...
MJ X's user avatar
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SPServices Add values to People picker field in SharePoint

How can I add or update people picker field in SharePoint list/library using SPServices I tried to post the account ID it did not worked tried display name it did not worked, do you know what is the ...
MJ X's user avatar
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How can i get left side-navigation's menu links with service or list?

ı need the side navigation menus to show them with a new design. How can i pull them? (example: "home" "news" "documents"....(the names and links.)
f_gulay's user avatar
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SPServices CompleteFunc returns error

I have a problem with getting items using SPServices: <script src="servername/SiteAssets/jquery-1.10.0.min.js"></script> <script src="servername/SiteAssets/sputility.min.js"></...
Vusi85's user avatar
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how to tell js that a colum value is changed?

i'm trying to set an step progress bar inside an item, but i couldn't make it dinamicaly because i can't catch if the field value is changed. so, can someone tell me if i can call the function when ...
Federico Iannarelli's user avatar
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SPServices referencing throws a Uncaught TypeError: $(...).SPServices is not a function

Anyone knows how to effectively get rid of this error? I have referenced the SPServices and jquery from my site assets library and also tried referencing for cdnjs but both throw the error which I get ...
Vusi85's user avatar
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SPServices getlistitems not all attributes are in responseXML

I have a section of my code where I am retrieving a list item using SPServices GetListItems. When pulling back the data for use I a missing one of my fields which I need for the display to work ...
David Coutts's user avatar
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Workflow Column renders 'undefined' with attr selector

I'm using SPServices to get list items. I'm having difficulty getting the value for my workflow status column as it keeps coming back undefined. I am using the internal name so not sure why it would ...
user2004758's user avatar
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Uncaught Typeerror: b.toLowerCase is not a function

I'm using SPServices and cannot figure out why I keep getting this error thrown from the jQuery library that b.toLowercase is not a function. Here are complete details of the error: jquery-1.11.3....
user2004758's user avatar

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