Why we cannot create a page section with the configuration of two columns with the first one filling the 2 of the 12 column of the layout and the second column filling 10 of the 12 column of layout.

When I use the code bellow:

const page = await ClientsidePageFromFile(sp.web.getFileByServerRelativeUrl("/sites/" + b[1] + "/SitePages/Home1.aspx"));
let section = page.addSection();
let leftColumn = section.addColumn(2);
let rightColumn = section.addColumn(10);

I get the message error:

Argument of type '10' is not assignable to parameter of type 'CanvasColumnFactor'

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


As per SharePoint/PnP-JS-Core library, CanvasColumnFactorType is defined as:

 * Column size factor. Max value is 12 (= one column), other options are 8,6,4 or 0
export type CanvasColumnFactorType = 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 12;

So, you cannot pass 10 value to parameter of type CanvasColumnFactor. You have to use one of the above values.


Note that the total value of CanvasColumnFactorType in one section should be 12. Otherwise, you can not edit the created section on the web page.

Source: spfx-add-news-button-webpart

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