I am creating a list item using the code below:

var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current(); 
var dfd = $.Deferred(); 
var targetList = context.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(listName);
var itemCreateInfo = new SP.ListItemCreationInformation(); 
var listItem = targetList.addItem(itemCreateInfo);

listItem.set_item("Title", listValues[0].Title); 
listItem.set_item("Department", listValues[0].Department);  
listItem.set_item("TeamMembers", listValues[0].TeamMembers);
listItem.set_item("Notes", listValues[0].Notes);  
    function () { 
        var id = listItem.get_id();
        if (listValues[0].Files.length > 0) {   
             if (fileCountCheck <= listValues[0].Files.length - 1) {                 
                 loopFileUpload(listName, id, listValues, fileCountCheck).then( 
                 function () { }, 
                 function (sender, args) { 
                     dfd.reject(sender, args); 
                 } ); 
        else { dfd.resolve(fileCountCheck);             } 
    function (sender, args) {       }   ); 

TeamMembers is a string containing the UserIds of all the users selected in a people picker, in the format ;#564;#5454;#56;#865;#

It is working if only one person is selected. I noticed that when there are multiple users selected, many of them are not getting saved into the list.

What could be the issue?

  • 1
    Check this if it helps. Commented May 13, 2020 at 14:06
  • 1
    Thanks @GaneshSanap, that really helped.
    – entryton
    Commented May 13, 2020 at 14:36
  • Glad it worked for you. I have added it as an answer below with explanation and reference link. Please Upvote(^) and accept as an Answer as it helped you. Commented May 14, 2020 at 13:38

2 Answers 2


Thanks to the comment by @Ganesh Sanap, I changed the data passed into the user field as below:

TeamMembers now has a value in the format ";#" + this.user1.get_id() + ";#" + this.user1.get_loginName() + ";" + this.user2.get_id() + ";#" + this.user2.get_loginName().

With the latest format, I am able to successfully save all the usernames into the list.


Instead of passing only User IDs in TeamMembers, try passing the User ID as well as User Login name separated ;# (And multiple users separated by ;) like below:

var userField = this.user1.get_id() + ";#" + this.user1.get_loginName()+";"+this.user2.get_id() + ";#" + this.user2.get_loginName(); // and so on...
listItem.set_item('TeamMembers', userField);

Reference: Add multiple people using Javascript Client Object Model.

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