This is related to SP 2013 On-Premises. We have a custom Search Page and we use Keyword-Query to filter the Result. The related document which cannot be found by that page has at least two meta data fields assigned (both managed metadata) and can be found by regular search and also by Search-API, like so:'PRDBGerKlasse:"306"'&RowLimit='10'&SelectProperties='Title,Path,PRDBGerKlasse,PRDBGerTyp,PRDBGerArt'
The document has "306" for PRDBGerKlasse and "TypeA 300" for PRDBGerTyp. When we then call the page by
the document is not in the search Result. If we call the page without the filter, the document can be found.
What could cause such issue?
Please note that we added the item 306 two weeks ago to the relevant Term-Set. Could that be an issue with the crawler even if the document can be found by regular search?