You would setup DirSync from your AD to the cloud. That will make the data available in SPO.
If you want to go the job route, you have to consider that options for running jobs in O365 are rather limited. You need to have a place where you can run them, and there isn't much support in O365 to run regular jobs. So you need to execute them on a host you own. Since you want to sync from your AD you would most likely be a server onprem. You could use CSOM or rest to upload the data, but I would try to prevent this since there is already a working user sync in place, and I would just try to utilize that one as much as possible.
Possible option I can think of are a list with a person field in it, or creating a linked list to the user info list and enrich that list with some extra fields for you to manipulate. But this would not fill the list on changes in your AD... For that you could use an external job that pushes that information up there... But I am very hesitant to rebuild a user sync since there is already one in O365 and having more than one version of the "truth" will lead to customer questions
This stuff needs to run onprem since you need to access your AD to retrieve the users.
Try this pseudo Powershell to get the new users:
$timestamp= ((Get-Date).AddDays(-1)).Date
Get-ADUser -Filter {whenCreated -ge $timestamp} -Properties whenCreated
I would save the last run and use that timestamp.
Then use CSOM or REST to add those entries to the list.