I have a solution in which a few site columns are deployed. These columns are used in a few hidden lists, and webparts showing data from these columns have logic which checks the permissions of the user. When the user lacks permission, the columns aren't displayed.
Now when a user is added, there is a notification being generated for one of those lists. The user receives an e-mail of updates on list items, but that lists the column that should not be shown! Also, when the user click on one of the items from the notification mail, the link takes him to the hidden lists, displays the item and again the things I didn't want to show.
So now I need to perform an update on my solution to make sure this doesn't happen again. I'm just not sure what I should exactly change. I noticed an SPField has a property 'Hidden' which I could set to false; but would that also keep it from rendering in item display views and notification mails? There's also the DisplayInNewForm and DisplayInEditForm properties, but I'm not sure if those are also used by the notification mail.