I found out that sometimes there are problems with just making linkToItem = "True" in the allItems.aspx.
So I tried the powershell way to do it and the result was positive ! It takes little more time but works perfectly ! Here you can see how to do it :
$web = Get-SPWeb siteURL
$list = $web.GetList($web.URL +"URLToTheList\AllItems.aspx")
$Flds = $list.Fields;
$Flds.SchemaXml >> NameTheFileAsYouWant.txt
$Fld = $Flds.getField("TheFieldWhichYouWant")
/*open NameTheFileAsYouWant.txt. Copy the content over to the notepad.
Add attributes LinkToItem="TRUE" LinkToItemAllowed="Required"
Replace '"' with '''.Copy content
$Fld.SchemaXml ="{your copied edited field caml}"