How Can I uncheck a checkbox dynamically from the code?
I need to uncheck some checkboxes at the same time from the code when I press a button.
I'm using:
SharePoint Framework - Typescript - Office UI Fabric - React
I'm assuming that you're using Office UI Fabric Checkbox and DefaultButton for this answer -- let me know if you aren't.
To solve this issue use the following steps:
Make sure to add a state variable to your state definition. Example:
export interface IExampleState {
isChecked: boolean;
Initialize your state in your constructor to a default value
constructor(props: IExampleProps) {
this.state = {
isChecked: false
Bind the checked attribute of your checkbox to your state. For example:
label="Standard checkbox"
onChange={ this._onControlledCheckboxChange }
Create an onClick event handler for your button that will change the state.
private _buttonClicked(): void {
this.setState({ isChecked: true });
Bind the _buttonClicked event handler in your constructor:
constructor(props: IExampleProps) { super(props); this._buttonClicked = this._buttonClicked.bind(this); this.state = { isChecked: false };
Attach the _buttonClicked event handler to your button's onClick event:
This should be it. Note that I force the checkbox to true when the button is clicked, but you could toggle is as well:
private _buttonClicked(): void {
this.setState({ **isChecked: this.state.isChecked!});**
I hope this helps?!