On a calculated field is there any limit on the number of conditions? I have the following but it does not seem to be producing accurate results..

  OR([funnel status]="Early Engagement (Active)",[funnel status]="Early Engagement (Non-Active)",[funnel status]="DRFP (Active)",[funnel status]="DRFP (Non-Active)",[funnel status]="Post Proposal Submission"),
      OR([funnel status]="DRFP Question",[funnel status]="RFI",[funnel status]="RFP",[funnel status]="BAFO",[funnel status]="Orals Prep",[funnel status]="Orals",[funnel status]="Quals",[funnel status]="ENs",[funnel status]="FRP",[funnel status]="Bridge",[funnel status]="Contract MOD",[funnel status]="unsolicited"),

1 Answer 1


In answer to your question about limits, the OR function has a limit of 30 conditions, but that shouldn't be causing you a problem in this case.

Try switching your formula to this:

  OR(EXACT([funnel status],"Early Engagement (Active)"),
     EXACT([funnel status],"Early Engagement (Non-Active)"),
     EXACT([funnel status],"DRFP (Active)"),
     EXACT([funnel status],"DRFP (Non-Active)"),
     EXACT([funnel status],"Post Proposal Submission")),
    OR(EXACT([funnel status],"DRFP Question"),
       EXACT([funnel status],"RFI"),
       EXACT([funnel status],"RFP"),
       EXACT([funnel status],"BAFO"),
       EXACT([funnel status],"Orals Prep"),
       EXACT([funnel status],"Orals"),
       EXACT([funnel status],"Quals"),
       EXACT([funnel status],"ENs"),
       EXACT([funnel status],"FRP"),
       EXACT([funnel status],"Bridge"),
       EXACT([funnel status],"Contract MOD"),
       EXACT([funnel status],"unsolicited")),

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