I want to fetch latest or current version of an item in a document library.

How can I achieve this using PowerShell Scripting?

Is $version.VersionLabel value of version number?

But I don't want to loop through $item.Versions, I just want the current or latest version of an item.

Thanks in advance.`

foreach($item in $ItemCollection)
    foreach($version in $item.Versions)
    Write-Host "Documen Library:" $list.Title "-" "Document:" $item.Title $version.VersionLabel
  • Is that you want to get all the latest version items in a document library?? Commented Aug 8, 2017 at 13:21

1 Answer 1


The latest version can be found at first index of $item.Versions. Try following

foreach($item in $ItemCollection)
      Write-Host "Documen Library:" $list.Title "-" "Document:" $item.Title $item.Versions[0].VersionLabel

Current/Latest Version


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