I have a list of useful contacts which can be added by any user. One of the columns on these list items is Contact Review Date
- a value which is calculated at [Today]+365 on item creation.
I would like an email to be sent to some user on this date so that they can review the contact and make sure they are still relevant. to this end I have created the following workflow :
I need this workflow to run each time an item is created (easy) as well as each time a contact is edited (as an edited list item implies that it has been reviewed recently and so we can wait another year for the next review date).
However, as it currently stands this workflow will be kicked off at creation, and then again when the item is modified, meaning that the reviewing user will now receive 2 emails (1 year after creation and 1 year after item modified) :
Is there a way of somehow removing all other workflows on a list item before starting the current workflow?