The below mentioned query is correct or not because i am not getting the textbox values. #txtAFENo. It is textbox id , passing directly the textbox value.

query.RestQuery = "getbytitle('RFA')/Items?$select=ESI_ProjectSeqNoLookup/Id&$expand=ESI_ProjectSeqNoLookup&$filter=ESI_AFENo/Id eq '#txtAFENo'";
  • Atish Please reply for this i need a solution urgent. Commented May 10, 2016 at 4:58

1 Answer 1


I am not sure what programming language you are using.

Assuming JavaScript and jQuery

query.RestQuery = "getbytitle('RFA')/Items?$select=ESI_ProjectSeqNoLookup/Id&$expand=ESI_ProjectSeqNoLookup&$filter=ESI_AFENo/Id eq '" + $('#txtAFENo').val() + "'";
  • ESI_AFENo Type is Hyperlink or Picture whether i have to give ESI_AFENo/Hyperlink or Picture??? Commented May 10, 2016 at 5:30

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