I need to get the Created By field of a document library item.
I am using the search web services of SP2010, but I do not know which managed property use to get that kind of information.

I tried

<Property name="CreatedBy"/>

but it is always null

2 Answers 2


CreatedBy managed property is mapped to ows_Created_x0020_By(Text) crawled propery whereas Author managed property is mapped to Office:4(Text) crawled property. If you add Office:4(Text) to CreatedBy managed property it should work. See here for more information: http://www.sharepointnadeem.com/2012/02/search-using-createdby-metadata.html

  • Is not crawled by default? That means I have to run a full crawl again :/
    – Nk SP
    Commented Mar 25, 2015 at 13:08
  • Most probably you need to do a full crawl again. I don't remember though, but you can test. Commented Mar 25, 2015 at 13:11

You can open the Search Service Application and see if such a property exists.

If not create a new Property with Name = "CreatedBy" and add Crawled Property "Office:4(Text)" based on this post

managed property for created by field

Then do a full Crawl.

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