I'm currently running into an issue with creating a folder titled "large_files"
When using the Web UI in OneDrive for Business I've created the following folder /personal/tenant_awbrazier_onmicrosoft_com/Documents/large_files
This allows you to create the folder but does not appear in the UI, when I go to create it again it says it exists.
When I try the following using the REST API, I can create it, returns a UniqueID, but when I try and perform any other operations it says the folder does not exist. I have a unique id returned from the API so surely it should exist?
Are there any other reserved folder names that should not be used? I know forms is one, in the route ie Documents/Forms and you can't use ~FolderName
Has anyone come across this before is this a bug?
The same happens with team sites, when creating in Shared Documents