We are experience an issue where on any list that allows the Notes and Tag functionality a user can only see their own notes. The notes are not set to private and the users have contribute permission. If I log into the list as the farm account I am able to view all Notes. What’s also strange is that once a new comment has been added. A user can’t delete or edit their old note and get the error:

There was an error processing this request. Please refresh this page.

ULS of the Error

09/03/2014 11:07:15.02 w3wp.exe (0x23F8) 0x1F48 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (POST:http://somesite:80/_layouts/15/socialdataframe.aspx?listid=%7BDE98DE8F%2D2BDE%2D4422%2D80A3%2DDA27DB83C2D1%7D&id=1&mode=0&IsDlg=1) fdedb49c-3905-404b-9f46-34767cb86d58

09/03/2014 11:07:15.02 w3wp.exe (0x23F8) 0x1F48 SharePoint Foundation General ajji6 High Unable to write SPDistributedCache call usage entry. fdedb49c-3905-404b-9f46-34767cb86d58

09/03/2014 11:07:15.04 w3wp.exe (0x23F8) 0x1F48 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Site=/ fdedb49c-3905-404b-9f46-34767cb86d58

09/03/2014 11:07:15.07 w3wp.exe (0x1408) 0x0FA8 SharePoint Foundation Micro Trace uls4 Medium Micro Trace Tags: 0 e5mb fdedb49c-3905-404b-9f46-34767cb86d58

09/03/2014 11:07:15.08 w3wp.exe (0x23F8) 0x1F48 SharePoint Foundation Topology e5mc High [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 09/03/2014 11:07:15.07, Original Level: Medium] WcfSendRequest: RemoteAddress: '{0}' Channel: '{1}' Action: '{2}' MessageId: '{3}' fdedb49c-3905-404b-9f46-34767cb86d58

09/03/2014 11:07:15.08 w3wp.exe (0x23F8) 0x1F48 SharePoint Foundation General aipzv High Unable to write service call usage entry. fdedb49c-3905-404b-9f46-34767cb86d58

09/03/2014 11:07:15.08 w3wp.exe (0x23F8) 0x1F48 SharePoint Server Search Query dka1 High SearchServiceApplicationProxy::Execute--Proxy Name:Search Service Application EndPoint: http://someapp:32843/70c8dc6bd21c4cf79650f638307cbf7a/SearchService.svc fdedb49c-3905-404b-9f46-34767cb86d58

09/03/2014 11:07:15.08 w3wp.exe (0x23F8) 0x1F48 SharePoint Server Search Query dk8z High SearchServiceApplicationProxy::GetChannel--Channel Creation time: 0 fdedb49c-3905-404b-9f46-34767cb86d58

09/03/2014 11:07:15.13 w3wp.exe (0x23F8) 0x1F48 SharePoint Foundation General aipzv High Unable to write service call usage entry. fdedb49c-3905-404b-9f46-34767cb86d58

09/03/2014 11:07:15.13 w3wp.exe (0x23F8) 0x1F48 SharePoint Server Search Query dk91 High SearchServiceApplicationProxy::Execute--Id: Elapsed Time: 46 IMSProxyTime 30 QP Time: 18 Client Type MySiteSecurityTrimmer TenantId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 fdedb49c-3905-404b-9f46-34767cb86d58

09/03/2014 11:07:15.13 w3wp.exe (0x23F8) 0x1F48 SharePoint Server Search Query dka2 High SearchServiceApplicationProxy::Execute--Id: Elapsed Time: 46.8015 Proxy Name/ID: Search Service Application/8ccdc228-0dc7-49a1-a4e5-15329d0a4378 EndPoint: http://somepapp:32843/70c8dc6bd21c4cf79650f638307cbf7a/SearchService.svc fdedb49c-3905-404b-9f46-34767cb86d58

09/03/2014 11:07:15.13 w3wp.exe (0x23F8) 0x1F48 Web Content Management Publishing ad87k Medium RewriteUrls:Link fix up code was called fdedb49c-3905-404b-9f46-34767cb86d58

09/03/2014 11:07:15.13 w3wp.exe (0x23F8) 0x1F48 Web Content Management Publishing ad87n Medium RewriteUrls:Link fix up code finished in 0ms time fdedb49c-3905-404b-9f46-34767cb86d58

09/03/2014 11:07:15.13 w3wp.exe (0x23F8) 0x1F48 SharePoint Server Social Data amcug Unexpected Error: Url returned from Search does not contain HTTP://SOMESITE/LISTS/TEST LIST/DISPFORM.ASPX?ID=1 fdedb49c-3905-404b-9f46-34767cb86d58

09/03/2014 11:07:15.13 w3wp.exe (0x23F8) 0x1F48 SharePoint Foundation Micro Trace uls4 Medium Micro Trace Tags: 0 ajji6,2 agb9s,38 ajk39,0 ajk35,0 ajk36,0 e5mc,8 aipzv,0 ajk37,0 ajk4a,2 dka1,0 dk8z,0 e5mc,45 aipzv,1 dk91,0 dka2,0 ad87k,0 ad87n,0 amcug,0 xppp fdedb49c-3905-404b-9f46-34767cb86d58

  • Any updates on this? We are expericing tha same behaviour...
    – user38653
    Commented Jan 14, 2015 at 8:29
  • Still no luck with this. We have tried updating the farm to the latest CU and still nothing. Our dev environment also exhibits the same issue.
    – Bryan
    Commented Jan 15, 2015 at 23:41


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