I am trying to create a new web application in our SP 2013 Farm and i am not successful in doing it .I had created 4 web apps before without any issue and today when i tried to create a new webapp i am getting "Request Timed out "
Also i observed that the ContentDB is getting created in the DB Instance but there are no sites that are created in IIS ,I have 4 WFE and 3 App Servers .I was not able to find much in the ULS Logs
ULS Logs
Provisioning of the web application, SharePoint - 80, has encountered the following error: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebApplication.CreateDefaultInstance(SPWebService service, Guid id, String applicationPoolId, SPProcessAccount processAccount, String iisServerComment, Boolean secureSocketsLayer, String iisHostHeader, Int32 iisPort, Boolean iisAllowAnonymous, DirectoryInfo iisRootDirectory, Uri defaultZoneUri, Boolean iisEnsureNTLM, Boolean createDatabase, String databaseServer, String databaseName, String databaseUsername, String databasePassword, SPSearchServiceInstance searchServiceInstance, Boolean autoActivateFeatures)
Application error when access /_admin/extendvs.aspx, Error=Request timed out.
Update 2
I also observed one more issue which is when I am creating the web application now it is creating the site in Central Admin Server but it's not creating the site on any of the Web front ends. Also it's still giving the Request timeout.
I already checked the Web application service and it's running on all the WFEs