My scenario is:
- A 2010 environment that function as it should, with custom webparts.
- A 2013 environment where I did the migration from 2010. I extracted the farm-solutons from the 2010 environment and delpyed them in my 2013 environment.
Now, most of the things function, and most of the custom web parts fuction, but besides the webpart/webparts which are talking with a Webservice. The error is something like this:
"There was no endpoint listening at http: //blablabla/blablabla.svc that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details."
So, what I did was go the old web.config file trough and copy/paste the lines where the endpoint is defined, and paste it in my new 2013 config file. That did not solve my problem. When I enter/browse the endpoint url, it works from the old servers, and from my client but does not work from my new 2013 servers.
What should be my next steps in this? Did I the right extract/deployment or is it something else?
So in short, webservice works in old environment, but after migration the webparts using the webservice throw the above error.