We have a large SharePoint 2010 installation. On many sites, I use Export to Excel or a datasheet view to view lists larger than 5,000 items with no issue. If the list has more than 50,100 items, we only get back the first 50,100 items. (The view must be non-filtered, or filtered on an indexed column in that case)
On a single site, we are now receiving the List View Threshold error and our datasheet view fails, when we only have 17,000 items on the list.
IT doesn't get the LVT - they keep telling us this is expected behavior. However, MS documentation says Datasheet view and Export to Excel should give me 50,000 items, and all my other sites give me 50,000 items.
Has anyone else encountered this? If so, did you find a fix? My wild guess is that a server admin who doesn't understand the LVT changed a setting on a single content database, so our site now behaves differently than the sites on other content databases on the farm.
Any other ideas?