I want to track if the users have read sharepoint 2010 document center's documents, currently user infos are not stored in audit logs, is there any way to do it?

  • If you found a solution to your problem, it's better to add it as an answer (which you can then come back and mark as answered) rather than editing your question.
    – lgaud
    Commented Jul 5, 2013 at 14:27

2 Answers 2


On the Site Collection that you want to track reading, go toSite Actions –> Site Settings –> Site Collection Administration –> Site Collection audit settings. Under the Document and Items section you can enable the events you would like to audit:

enter image description here

Reference: How to enable Audit functionality in SharePoint 2010


I found the solution. Here is the steps.

1- Create a class library.

2- Right click the library and add new item.

3- Select ASP.NET Module under Web node.

4- Add PreRequestHandlerExecute event handler inside Init.Here is my code.

public void Init(HttpApplication context)    
   context.PreRequestHandlerExecute += context_PreRequestHandlerExecute;

5- Methods

    void context_PreRequestHandlerExecute(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var app = sender as HttpApplication;
            if (app != null)
                string requesturl = app.Request.Url.ToString();
                string file = string.Empty;
                // if document opens in browser
                if (app.Request.QueryString["Source"] != null && app.Request.QueryString["id"] != null && app.Request.QueryString["Source"].StartsWith(documentSiteUrl))
                    file = app.Request.QueryString["id"].Remove(0, app.Request.QueryString["id"].LastIndexOf('/'));
                // if document opened installed office apps or downloaded the document
                if (requesturl.StartsWith(SiteUrl))
                    requesturl = requesturl.Remove(0, requesturl.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);


    private void Worker(string requesturl)

        #region ext control
        List<string> extList = new List<string>(Exts.Split(';'));
        bool result = false;
        foreach (string item in extList)
            if (requesturl.EndsWith(item))
                result = true;

        if ((!requesturl.Contains(".aspx")) && (!requesturl.EndsWith("/")) && result)
            SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;

            String fileName = requesturl.Substring(requesturl.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

            // Add log
            web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
            AddReadInfo(web.CurrentUser, fileName, web);
            web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;

    private void AddReadInfo(SPUser sPUser, string fileName, SPWeb web)

        #region Logging

            SPList logList = web.Lists.TryGetList("LogList");
            if (logList != null)
                SPListItem item = logList.Items.Add();
                item["User"] = sPUser.Name;
                item["Document"] = fileName;
                item["Read"] = "Read";




6- Don't forget signing the project.

7- Build Project.

8- Add dll to GAC and BIN folder under the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80\ folder.

9- Open IIS Manager.

10- Find your site nod and select.

11- Open Modules.

12- Right click under modules page and select Add Managed Module option.

13- Give a name and select your module under dropdownlist.

14- IIS reset.

15- That's it

  • 1
    Why did you opt to do this rather than use the built in auditing features? Commented Jul 8, 2013 at 13:09
  • 1
    Because of Auditing Features logs unnecessary content too. And i am using this module for user policy agreement page.
    – Yılmaz
    Commented Jul 9, 2013 at 9:39

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