I can access my WSS3 server via http://sharepoint, but not http://sharepoint:800, which I require. Ideally I would like both to be accessible. My guess is that there is a conflict between my mappings or between them and the IIS bindings.

What could be wrong with my configuration that is preventing access on port 800? The only way I can access it is using port 80 - either through http://sharepoint or http://sharepoint.company.local.

My alternate access mappings are configured as follows:

Internal URL                   Zone                  Public URL for zone
http://svr:19937               Default               http://svr:19937 
http://svr:800                 Default               http://svr:800
http://sharepoint.company.com  Internet              http://sharepoint.company.com
http://sharepoint:800          Custom                http://sharepoint:800
http://svr                     Default               http://svr

I realize there is no actual "mapping" here. TBH I don't know whether AAM is making any difference / is applicable to my problem.

The IIS bindings are:

Type      Hostname       Port        IP Address
http                     80          *
http                     800         *

I also tried to make it work by extending the application, but it doesn't work - apparently http://sharepoint:800 is already in use. I don't understand how - the site url is http://svr:800. Need help.

1 Answer 1


Are you sure that the port 800 has been whitelisted in your firewall on your Windows Server ?

You could also run netstat on the server and make sure that the port 800 is not internally used by something else, preventing thus a proper use for the web application.

Regarding your AAM is

> http://svr:800

an internal url (and thus added as so ?) (because it's added twice to the default zone)

19937 is your central administration right ?

  • When the port is in use, your web application in IIS won't start at all. I agree with Francois, your AAM list is confusing. Please make sure you only list the AAM mappings for the web application causing trouble. I also wonder why you would have a need for all these mappings. Usually a single URL with maybe an extend for different authentication methods would do it. I find it best practice to use as little mappings as possible, they only tend to create confusion when used in the wrong way.
    – Jasper
    Commented Oct 10, 2012 at 8:06
  • It was the firewall! I used Windows FireWall With Advanced Security (catchy name) to enable the port on the inbound side. Thanks :) Commented Oct 10, 2012 at 21:32

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