Using a workflow (and anything else Middle Tier including scripting), can you remove a single name from a multiple-user Person or Groups field?
I'm toying with the idea of a "subscription" model:
- User Selects "Subscribe Button"
- User is directed to workflow initiation form - checks box
- Workflow creates entry in a list with Created By
- Workflow takes Created By and adds it to a Multi-User People/Groups Field (By creating string "{Multi People Field}; {Created By}"
- When new items are added to a particular folder in a discussion list, a workflow sends the new content in a nicely-formatted e-mail to Multi-User People/Groups Field (turning that field into a workflow variable that let's Designer send the e-mail)
Great. Using some other workflow magic, I could display, in this particular discussion folder, who is currently subscribed and therefore how many subscriptions and use popularity to rank discussions...etc. And I know multi-user People/Groups fields eventually have a limit - I think that's solveable. I think you can even mess with the XML of the workflow file to BCC the listing of people.
None of this is worthwhile, however, unless a person can easily remove him/herself from that multi-user People/Groups field. An "Unsubscribe" process, if you will.