I've just migrated from WSS 3.0 to Sharepoint 365, and on the 'home' page, there is a link ("Product Services") in the top navigation bar that is not editable. I've checked every setting I can think of and can't figure out how to get rid of it. If I just try to edit links, that link disappears and isn't editable. The link isn't present on any of the sub-pages like all the others are via inheritable permissions, but it's driving me nuts that I can't get rid of it. Any help is appreciated.

Missing edit link abi

Update: I've checked the global settings under Site Settings/navigation as well and can't find the problem. enter image description here

3 Answers 3


It's the site title. You could go to Site Settings-> Title, Description, and Logo, change the title you want.

enter image description here


Check in Settings > Site Settings > Navigation to see if there are any links that could be subsites or anything else. Some of these options don't show up when you use the quick edit navigation controls.

  • Added additional screenshot to clarify problem
    – Leslie
    Commented May 23, 2019 at 19:08

I experience this problem too. In my case, it is due to caching. I try opening SharePoint online using different browsers (Firefox and Edge) and the recent changes in Global Navigation takes effect in different browsers that I have not used to open SharePoint Online before. Clearing the browser cache solves this issue in my case. I hope this helps others.

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