I wrote a spfx web part using sp-pnp-js to fetch items from a list, this is my query to the list:
public async getAgreements(): Promise<Agreement[]> {
let select = '*';
let Agreements: Agreement[] = [];
const items = await sp.web.lists.getById('ID_OF_THE_LIST').items
items.forEach(item => {
AgreementName: item.Title,
CustomerAgreementNr: item.CustomerAgreementNr
return new Promise<Agreement[]>(async(resolve) => {
In the SharePoint list I changed the display name of the title column to AgreementName so when I want to render the list in the web part I use AgreementName. To render the list I am using ListView and IViewField and it looks like this:
export default class AgreementContainer extends React.Component<IAgreementContainerProps, IAgreementContainerState> {
constructor(props: IAgreementContainerProps) {
this.state = {
agreements: []
private viewFields: IViewField[] = [
name: "AgreementName",
linkPropertyName: "AgreementName.ServerRelativeUrl",
displayName: "Agreement Name",
maxWidth: 25,
minWidth: 25,
sorting: true,
isResizable: true
name: "CustomerAgreementNr",
displayName: "Customer Agreement Nr",
maxWidth: 4,
isResizable: true
public componentDidMount(): void {
this.props.provider.getAgreements().then((agreements) => {
agreements: agreements
public render(): JSX.Element {
return (
<div className={ styles.agreementDatabase }>
items = {this.state.agreements}
But the result for the AgreementName column is just an empty a-tag with a tabindex attribute:
<a tabindex="-1">Agreement</a>
I have tested with the internal name instead (Title) but the result is the same. How can I fetch the link in order to link the item name?
And a last question, there are date columns too in the list and when they gets rendered the date is in this format: 2019-03-26T13:00:00Z , is there a way to convert the date to a friendly format? something like 2019-03-26 ?
Best regards, Americo